The social media giant, Facebook, recently deleted the page of the Myanmar military. Facebook said the page broke its rules after two protesters were shot by the Myanmar military.
A Facebook representative said:
“In line with our global policies, we’ve removed the Tatmadaw True News Information Team Page from Facebook for repeated violations of our Community Standards prohibiting incitement of violence and coordinating harm."
Facebook has pushed against Myanmar military in the past
Facebook's actions against the Myanmar military are not a new thing, as it has previously restricted the actions of the military in 2018 after the social media giant came under fire for not doing enough to halt hate speech and campaigns.
In 2018, Facebook blocked army chief Min Aung Hlaing and 19 other senior officers and organizations from its platform. It also suspended dozens of Facebook pages and accounts owned by Myanmar military members.
Before last year's elections, Facebook suspended more than 65 accounts directly linked to spreading positive information about the Myanmar military.
Two people killed during Myanmar protests
During the protests against the military, two people were killed after police and soldiers blasted live ammunition at protesters angry at the military's coup against Aung San Suu Kyi.
“They aimed at the heads of unarmed civilians. They aimed at our future,” a young protester said during the rally.
In a response to the protests, the Myanmar foreign ministry said that they are committed to using minimal efforts against the illegal gathering of protesters. The ministry added that they are adhering to the standards set by international and domestic bodies and warned against foreign interference from the international community.
The U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price released a statement expressing concern about the protests. Prominent countries such as Britain and Germany have also spoken against the protests and urged the military to honor the election results.

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