World Health Organization sends 12,000 vaccines of Ebola to Guinea

World Health Organization sends 12,000 vaccines of Ebola to Guinea

The Ebola virus is back in Africa and this time it is Guinea. The world health organizations have sent more than 12,000 vaccines to cushion the spread 

WHO supplies Guinea with 12,000 Ebola vaccines 

WHO has just supplied Guinea with over 12,000 Ebola vaccines which should arrive at the capital, Conakry, this weekend. Guinea, this week declared an outbreak of the Ebola virus. According to the regional chief for Africa on health, Matshidiso Moeti, who said on Thursdays that asides from the 12,000 vaccines dispatched from Switzerland, an additional 9,000 will be sent from the US before the end of February. 

Talking with the Media, Mohamed Lamine Yansane stated that the vaccines will be administered quickly and will arrive as early as Sunday.

 '' We are very appreciative of the efforts of the organization and the vaccines will be put to use quickly '' 

Other nations to storm Guinea this weekend to Provide medical assistance 

Yansane who is the adviser to the Guinea health minister said everything is in place to receive the vaccines. On February 15, Guinea says there is an outbreak of Ebola in the country and eight individuals have become ill after showing up with symptoms. This happened after going to burial in Gouache town near the borders at least about five people have lost their lives. 

Many nations have turned up to assist the nation with many experts arriving in the country this weekend. The WHO expert has said it is very unlikely that the country will experience huge casualties like the previous years because the country is better prepared. 

He said the government is rolling out plans to do community testing for all the people that attended the burial to know the rate of infection. Five years ago, Ebola affected many African countries like Congo, Liberia, and Nigeria. Although the transmission rate isn't as high as COVID-19, it has high fatalities.


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